Published: Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Hello wine lovers and welcome to the 2017 season of our local Wine Lifestyle series. I am so excited to kick off this next round and to have you join me on this year’s sensational journey.
The first wine of the series is one that has become a household name due to its popularity and unique composition. The Jost Vineyards Selkie was one of the first frizzante style wines made in Nova Scotia, and still reigns as the most admired.
This wine boasts flavours of peach and pineapple and fills your mouth with an array of tropical flavours. The mild effervescence the frizzante method creates balances the bold fruitiness and keeps the wine ultra refreshing.
The beauty of this wine is that it can be enjoyed as a mid afternoon patio sipper, and carry right into the evening by pairing it with a delicious dessert. Treat yourself to a visit at picturesque Fox Harb’r Resort and indulge in their Pineapple Opera Cake. Although you may not see the connection between this wine and dessert at first, one bite and you’ll see how the perfectly proportioned layers of pineapple that weave throughout the cake complement Selkie nicely and allows them both to shine.
Whip up Chef Shane’s recipe and try this winning combination for Mother’s Day, you’ll be giving Mom a little piece of Northumberland heaven…cheers!